Parradiigm Presents


Master your mindset. Change your life. 

it's time to stop letting a lack of clarity, unclear purpose & negative self talk hold you back from the potential you know is within you

THE MINDSET COLLECTIVE is the online course that’s going to totally TRANSFORM your life and business, in all the ways you dream of – and more!

By mastering your mindset you’ll have the confidence, self belief and UNWAVERING courage to stand strong within who you are and successfully execute your mission in the world.

Inside The Mindset Collective you’ll do the deep inner work that’ll have you:

Show up in your business with rockstar confidence

Believe in yourself so strongly you’ll be able to sell your ideas and offers like hotcakes 

Feel worthy of receiving a truckload more

Raise your prices and stop working for pennies 

Establish healthy boundaries to eliminate anxiety, stress and burnout 

Wake up each morning LIT UP by your purpose (and clarity on what this IS!) 

Feel 10 feet tall and bulletproof – like you can accomplish anything (and you CAN!)




Join me – Libby Robertson, BSc Psychology, Mindset Extraordinaire – for the most transformational mindset course you’ll ever take: The Mindset Collective. Experience massive upgrades to help you align to massive success in each & every area of your life & business. 

Her wisdom, genuine care and support, and ability to hear and support without her own beliefs being projected onto others is incredible, and I am truly grateful I have invested in myself and this journey with Libby!
Carolyn Lowe
CML Promotions, NZ

The overview

Module 1 - Up-level Your Mindset, Up-level Your Life

By the end of this module you’ll: Master the skills to feel truly confident and happy every single day. Reduce self doubt. Eliminate anxiety. Release self sabotage and limiting beliefs, and set yourself up for success in every area of life….starting with one of the most powerful resources you own - your mind.

Module 2 - How to Manifest Anything

By the end of this module you’ll: Learn the art of manifestation, how it works, and how to apply it in your everyday life and biz. Strengthen your mind, body and soul with these powerful life changing techniques and understand the energetics of attracting anything you desire.

Module 3 - Next Level Clarity & Direction

By the end of this module you’ll: Understand how to combat confusion, self doubt and a lack of clarity. Learn the process to grow through obstacles, and navigate the challenges of life and business with ease and grace. Discover the 5 part process to get clear on your vision, direction and to always achieve your goals.

Module 4 - Ignite Your Purpose

By the end of this module you’ll: Feel re-energized and in love with life again and get to meet ‘the new you’. You'll have the tools to support you in achieving more in all areas of your life and business with greater ease and flow.

Module 5 - Achieve Outstanding Results In Every Area of Life and Business

By the end of this module you’ll: Be clear on the strategy to implement to achieve your goals for the rest of 2023 and beyond. You’ll also be walking away with incredible confidence, connection and clarity in yourself, in who you are, and in everything it takes to ensure this is your year.

My relationship, my business and the way I show up has completely shifted since working with Libby! If you're considering working with Libby, go for it!
Stew Darling
NZ's Top Resilience Coach

what you receive

✔️ Powerful Transformational Coaching Program

✔️ Hours of mindset coaching on demand to unleash your potential - anytime, anywhere

✔️ Private community to network, ask questions and receive support between trainings

✔️ Workbooks & bonus work to help you unleash even deeper results

✔️ BONUS: Exclusive invite to VIP session upon completion of program

✔️ BONUS: Lifetime access and unlimited access to all future additions to the course


CEO and founder of Parradiigm, co-founder School of Spiritual Healing Arts, co-founder of charitable initiatives: Hope2Fam and Self Wealth Project. 

BSc Psychology, Certified Shamanic Practitioner, Certified Adult Education Facilitator, Best Selling Author, Trained Life and Business Coach, 15 years experience in mindset and leadership, plus real life experience in healing from alcohol addiction and drug abuse and actually ‘doing the work’ to turn her entire life around and manifest everything she ever dreamed of. Libby is happily married and lives in Papamoa with her husband and business partner, Dane and is passionate about helping people everywhere turn their impossible dreams into their inevitable reality through her world class coaching, mentoring & training.

Read more about Libby by clicking the icons below:

Working with Libby has been absolutely amazing! I'm showing up with more confidence, more purpose and more clarity than ever before - things are happening for me so much easier now and I know it's because of the work I've done with Libby!
Anna Patch
Actor, Australia

course investment

Note: All prices in USD

mindset & manifestation

5 x Self Study Modules inside your own private Members Lounge

Workbooks + Bonus Material, to help you skyrocket your results!

Connecting with other like minded visionaries, entrepreneurs and creatives all wanting to make a positive difference in the world, achieve their wildest dreams, and have the time of their lives doing so

Payment Plans Available

usually $1,111

$497 USD

or 5 x Weekly Payments of $97

What they're saying already...

‘I can now rewrite limiting beliefs and actually BELIEVE them’

Going into Mindset and Manifestation, I wasn’t sure what to expect from the course. I felt like I was stuck, in a slump, feeling unable to fully manifest what I wanted in my life.

Within the first two weeks I experienced such a leap! I began experiencing the most incredible gifts of things I really needed from so many different people. I broke down in tears so many times in gratitude. not only that, but each module had me going so deep into my soul, and I haven’t felt that deep of a cry in a long time. I was constantly facing what was hiding underneath and that truly opened the doors for me and magic to happen in my life! Thank you so much Libby!

Cassandra F

‘What an amazing journey this has been and such huge minds shifts for me’. 

This programme has been incredible I can’t believe how much we covered in 5 weeks and how deeply we got to go in our own pace, it was totally achievable enjoyable and life changing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Greta D

‘The power of this program has already far exceeded any expectation I could have had ‘

The processes we have worked with so far have revealed to me the much deeper programming beneath the surface beliefs I had previously recognised. These processes have enriched my already active journaling practice

Libby, thank you so much for blazing this trail, being the living embodiment of what you are teaching and for this profound opportunity to learn and grow.
Jordan H

‘Wow working with libby for 6weeks has changed me so much with everything for the better!’

Her skills are exceptional – like blew my mind when she had an answer for all mine & others questions and even shared examples of how to apply them to your everyday life that were made easy for you to digest specially when you have so much going on in your head! Thank you so much Libby so much gratitude for the work you do!

Ebby P

‘Working with Libby for 6 weeks has been absolutely delicious and productive’

She has brought me so much clarity, so much growth, and a lot of willpower. I started taking action on a daily basis, building and selling my offers, showing up – She really stretched me out and gave me the confidence I needed. Libby thank you so much, I can’t wait to keep rocking with you!

Jeanne A

‘This powerhouse has got the goods and MAN anyone that comes into contact with her will experience transformation in so many areas!’. 

Not only is she a powerfully wholehearted woman and a thriving entrepreneur, coach and consultant but she has walked through the trenches of life and absolutely conquered areas that many of us have only dreamed of!

Watch out world this girl is on fire and is gonna make such a positive impact on the sands of time!

Naomi R

‘I took a leap of faith and worked with Libby anyway, started with her Money Magick program in 2021’

She held group coaching calls, with presence, attention, and holds space for our emotions to come through. WHAT?! Which business coach has ever done that?! And thats how I knew she was different.

3 years of having her in my success team has paid off!

I finally quit corporate, trust in myself & my gifts, have a better relationship with Hubby, reSTARTed my business, shared my newfound gifts with the world, and get paid to do what I love!
Grace T

‘This incredible lady is not just inspirational but she is a walking embodiment of the deep life changing work she shares’

And she has something a lot of mentors and coaches don’t have, softness to meet you where you’re at and power to propel you forward. Thank you Libby for who you are and what you’re bringing to the world.

Avril B

about parradiigm

Our goal is to make the world a better place, one business at a time.

The old ways aren’t serving us and it’s time for massive change. We believe that businesses are a vehicle for global transformation. As business owners, we are at the forefront of collective change. Pioneers in a new way of thinking, a new way of being, a new way of living, a new way of business.

We believe businesses have the power to transform lives, families and communities in ways which will be felt for generations to come.

Within each business is also a team of dedicated employees all bringing to life a vision. We take a holistic look at an entire business to make sure it’s operating optimally, and that everyone involved – from the CEO to the Cleaner, is on board with the vision and direction that the business is going.

We allow people to fall in love with their lives again, and feel like they are the happiest, most abundant versions of themselves, contributing to humanity in ways that feel totally on-purpose, and allow the freedom each individual desires, in a whole range of ways.

We are also taking a preventative approach to some heavier topics that are important to us. Topics like depression, suicide, rape and addiction that require ambulances at the bottom of the cliff. We believe that by taking an empowering approach to creating change, we can create a world where depression, suicide, rape and addiction aren’t even a thing. Sure, that’s a huge vision, but the work we do will hopefully allow for intergenerational healing, and the positive impact of the work we do will ripple down for centuries to come.

Thank you for saying yes to change, to being the example, and to joining us in creating a whole new paradigm.

the 5 pillars of parradiigm

Everything we teach at Parradiigm is designed to help you get more out of your business and achieve next level results while allowing for your own unique energetic signature and authenticity to shine through.

We want to ensure that you’re in complete alignment and operating in your zone of genius with all of the results you achieve.

We believe success feels so much better when it’s true to who you are, and we’re excited to help you achieve exactly that.

Inside all of our programs at Parradiigm, we work with you to discover your highest purpose and live each day doing what you were put on this planet to do.

We believe that living in true alignment with your purpose will allow you achieve more in all areas of your life and business with greater ease and flow.

You’ll walk away with more confidence, eliminate self doubt, reduce anxiety, and have more clarity in your life’s purpose.

Everything we do at Parradiigm is tailored to you supporting you in creating more wealth, from the inside out. We call this our ‘Self-Wealth Method’, and financial results are the by-product of alignment of your mind, body, soul, then strategy.

We bring fresh new perspectives and knowledge on wealth creation, wealth maintenance and wealth optimisation from both energetic and strategic perspectives.

When applied appropriately, you’ll be able to use this method to take your financial results to whole new levels, in a whole new way.

By harnessing the unique leadership strategies we teach here at Parradiigm, you’ll discover whole new ways to lead your team, vision, business and community. You’ll feel empowered with new strategies to strengthen your own resilience and turn every obstacle into an opportunity for growth.

Relationships are an integral part of leadership, and inside all of our programs you’ll learn emotional and ‘energetic’ intelligence techniques and how to introduce new standards, healthier boundaries and deeper connection to enhance relationships and leadership in every area of your life and business.

We believe old leadership tactics are out, and a whole new way of feminine leadership is in.

And lastly, at Parradiigm we guide you through all the steps to become your happiest, most authentic self and discover your fullest potential.

We work with you to take your mindset, health, emotional and energetic intelligence to whole new levels so that you can create the lifestyle and success of your dreams, while experiencing genuine fulfillment, happiness and joy.

We help you to understand how your unique energetic signature influences everything around you, while allowing for greater levels of understanding yourself and personal growth and discovery.

have a question?

Send us a message on Instagram
