how we became
Collectively, we’ll go through a massive restructure in the way we do business and focusing more on a holistic way of doing things, a way which not only includes Wellbeing, but encourages it as a fundamental pillar within it’s organisational structure.
But Parradiigm itself started out as a simple blog, several years ago.
See, in the beginning, Parradiigm was Soberly – helping people overcome their addiction journey and live a life of freedom. And it worked for a while, until we realised that we wanted to do so much more than being the ambulance at the bottom of the hill.
So we then became Libby Wallace Worldwide, and more recently Libby Robertson Global (LRG) – and these companies were really designed to help empower and uplift entrepreneurs and business owners beyond what they knew they could within their businesses.
Then in 2022, we evolved – and grew into something much more than just business coaching, more than just an online business. Parradiigm is the culmination of all of our talents and education over the last 15+ years to help you create the life and business of your desires.
From Mindset, to Strategy and Energetics – inside Parradiigm you’re going to receive top tier expertise and guidance to help you and your business succeed beyond levels you knew were possible!
Welcome to…
A Whole New Way

Why we created
A Whole New Way
We believe that businesses are a vehicle for global
We are at the forefront of collective change. Pioneers in a new way of thinking, a new way of being, a new way of living, a new way of business.
We believe businesses have the power to transform lives, families and communities in ways which will be felt for generations to come. Within each business is also a team of dedicated employees all bringing to life a vision.
We take a holistic look at an entire business to make sure it’s operating optimally, and that everyone involved – from the CEO to the Cleaner, is on board with the vision and direction that the business is going.
We allow people to fall in love with their lives again,
and feel like they are the happiest, most abundant
versions of themselves, contributing to humanity in
ways that feel totally on-purpose, and allow the
freedom each individual desires, in a whole range
of ways.
We are also taking a preventative approach to
some heavier topics that are important to us.
Topics like depression, suicide, rape and addiction
that require ambulances at the bottom of the cliff.
We believe that by taking an empowering approach
to creating change, we can create a world free from addictive tendencies, and from destructive behaviours. Sure, that’s a huge vision, but the work we do will hopefully allow for intergenerational healing, and the positive impact of the work we do will ripple down for centuries to come.
the three working principals of
One of our foundational principals we work with here at Parradiigm is on your Mindset. Helping you overcome mental blocks around self-worth, money, upper-limits and much more as you elevate beyond what you knew you were capable of.
Another one of our foundational principals we work through is the aligned Strategy to help you achieve your goals/aspirations/desires, in a way which works completely with you and your unique way of being.
The final foundational principal we work through is your Energy, by cultivating strong and healthy Energetic boundaries and ensuring you're working with your own unique Energetic way of being.

Meet the team @ Parradiigm
Meet the faces behind the names here at Parradiigm

Libby Robertson
Hey beautiful soul, I'm Libby - the Founder and CEO here at Parradiigm. With a degree in Psychology, certification in Shamanism and years of corporate leadership and development, I'm the one who's going to show you how to create the life and business of your dreams inside all of the programs we deliver. Along with my husband Dane, we've also created the School of Spiritual Healing Arts, and charitable initiatives like Hope2Fam and The Self Wealth Project - helping raise money for underprivileged families around the world. I'm SO excited to partner with you on this journey - so send me a message and let's start ushering in A Whole New Way!

Dane Robertson
Hey, I'm Dane - and I'm so excited you're here! I'm the MD here at Parradiigm and I'll be the one mainly behind the scenes, but popping in every now and then within some of our programs and helping you with the Tech and Marketing within your businesses. My background and degree is in Marketing and E-Commerce, as well as years of online learning & professional and leadership development, and together we're going to unlock new levels of Strategy, Direction and Precision. This is going to be HUGE, so click one of the links below to follow me and let's go!!